SG Youth Academy 2024: Κάλεσμα για Συνεργάτες στη Δημιουργία της Νέας Γενιάς Ηγετών της Αρκαδίας
Startup Greece Youth Academy 2024: Κάλεσμα για Συνεργάτες στη Δημιουργία...5 reasons to participate as a startup in the SG Delegation at Davos.
November 25, 2022Our previous article briefly summarised what happens at Davos every year. If you want to refresh your memory, feel free to reread it .
If your memory serves you well… Let’s find out what is behind the title of this article!
The SG Delegation at Davos can provide a unique opportunity for Greek Startups to be in the environment of Davos during the days of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2023 (16-20 January). By taking part as a startup, you can have the chance to:
1. Be invited to private events.
During the days of the WEF 2023, numerous private and open events take place at Davos. It’s not a secret that the best insight and networking take place in invitation-only events. That’s why we have taken care of providing access to some of them for all the members of the SG Delegation. Such an event is the “World Innovation Economics 4th Annual Event”, which is co-hosted by Startup Greece this year!
2. Access great networking and funding opportunities.
During networking events, you might find the person who is missing from your team or a high-profile mentor. Besides that, you will gain more insight into funding solutions and various schemes that will help you move forward.
3. Pitch to investors.
As a participating startup, you will have the chance to meet and pitch your startup to investors. Through this close interaction, you can attract funds to skyrocket your business!
4. Explore possibilities to reach global markets.
Sometimes, finding the stepping stone to enter a different nation’s market is one of the hardest things. During your participation in the SG Delegation, you can meet and discuss such possibilities with different nationalities and set down the foundations for cross-border cooperation.
5. Meet other Greek & Greek-originated members of the delegation.
It is a great chance to connect with Greek & Cypriot founders, angel investors, and startup stakeholders. Become more acquainted with people of the Greek Ecosystem and form partnerships towards innovation.
Take part in the SG Delegation at Davos on 15-20 January; bring your startup to the center of policymaking, and adapt your product for the future!
If you are interested and want to learn more about how to apply as a member of the SG Delegation, fill in the following form by 15 December: .
Looking forward to seeing you in Davos as a member of the SG Delegation!
-World Innovation Economics is not affiliated or partnered with the World Economic Forum.
-Startup Greece is not affiliated with the World Economic Forum and the events it organizes, nor it provides access to its organized events.